First Floor

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Entrance Hall
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The Hogwarts Entrance Hall is located on the ground floor of Hogwarts, with a wide marble staircase opposite the oak doors. Double doors to the right lead into the Great Hall.
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Great Hall - 1 Viewing
Last post by LILY LUNA POTTER in after my blood turns into alcohol // OPEN
May 11, 2013 1:54:32 GMT -5
Students eat their meals, receive daily owl post, and have certain special events here.
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History of Magic Classroom - 1 Viewing
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"He filled the room with books on history, and kept a Draconifors spellbook locked in a side-room, protected with minor magical defences."
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Hospital Wing
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Students (and presumably the staff) who suffer mishaps and injuries during the school year are sent or brought to the hospital wing for treatment. The hospital wing is well equipped to deal with all kinds of magical and mundane injuries, from broken limbs to regrowing lost bones.
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Muggle Studies Classroom
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It is exactly what the name implies - the study of the daily lives of Muggles and how they cope with electricity and not magic. This class aims specifically to acquaint wizards and witches who do not have direct contact with Muggles with the way they live.
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