Last post by - CASIMIRIA - in plot.
Apr 11, 2013 14:00:40 GMT -5
Most important board on the site! Make sure to read all of our rules and such, including our plot.
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Any important site wide announcements will be here. Make sure to check back every now and then!
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Faqs & Suggestions
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Have a question or suggestion? Post here and a staffer will be happy to answer!
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Coming & Going
Last post by - CASIMIRIA - in about the admins!
Apr 11, 2013 14:46:35 GMT -5
New on the site? Feel free to start a thread here to share something about yourself. Leaving or being absent for a bit? Post here and let us know for how long.


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Secret Lair
Experiments happen here...powerful ones...
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Last post by wfhwefh in canons.
Jan 18, 2014 17:12:24 GMT -5
Here you'll find the canon list and the application forms. Please post in the correct boards, as well!


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Ministry Files
Last post by - SANGUINIS - in DOLOHOV, audric jasper
May 20, 2013 13:46:18 GMT -5
All accepted applications will be moved here and sorted into their rightful categories for safe keeping.


23 posts 13 threads
Last post by - SANGUINIS - in magical races.
Apr 11, 2013 13:44:39 GMT -5
Face claim, job claim, and other various sign-ups will be located here. Make sure to post in code!
6 posts 6 threads
Last post by LILY LUNA POTTER in better than me ` ALBUS
May 9, 2013 23:05:42 GMT -5
This is where your plot pages, thread trackers, character journals, and photo albums will be located. Sheesh, go make some friends for your character; they're lonely.

Photo albums
Thread Trackers

9 posts 5 threads
Wanted Ads
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Have a significant other, family, or friend you want created? Post here so someone can pick them up for you.


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The dungeons of Hogwarts Castle are located under the school, and it is colder there than in the main castle. The Potions classroom is located in the dungeons, as is the entrance to the Slytherin & Hufflepuff common rooms and dormitories.

Hufflepuff Common Room
Potions Classroom
Slytherin Common Room

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First Floor
Last post by LILY LUNA POTTER in after my blood turns into alcohol // OPEN
May 11, 2013 1:54:32 GMT -5
This is the ground floor in Hogwarts where the Entrance Hall, Great Hall, and Grand Staircase are all located.

Entrance Hall
Great Hall
History of Magic Classroom
Hospital Wing
Muggle Studies Classroom

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Second Floor
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This corridor is one of the many corridors in the castle. It is located on both sides of the castle on the second floor.

Care of Magical Creatures Classroom
Staff Lounge

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Third Floor - 1 Viewing
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This corridor is accessible via the grand staircase or the suspension bridge staircase and extends between them.

Charms Classroom
Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom
Trophy Room

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Fourth Floor
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This corridor is accessible via the grand staircase. There is a staircase that leads to the fourth floor balcony.

Transfiguration Classroom

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Fifth Floor - 1 Viewing
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The corridor begins in the grand staircase tower at the fifth floor level. It goes around the quad and passes the prefects' bathroom. It leads to the fifth floor balcony of the clock tower.

Prefects' Bathroom

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Sixth Floor
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This corridor is one of the many corridors in the castle. It includes a professor's office and a few empty classrooms.

Ancient Runes Classroom

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Seventh Floor
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The corridor begins in the grand staircase tower at the seventh floor level. It passes around the quad and includes the room of requirement. It then leads to the divination staircase/

Arithmancy Classroom
Divination Classroom
Ravenclaw Common Room
Room of Requirement

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Being an extremely old and extremely large castle, this thing is bound to have towers.

Astronomy Tower
Clock Tower
Gryffindor Common Room
The Owlery

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Grounds and Lawns
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With many entrances to the castle, there are also many courtyards and places to wander. Come out here to relax, do homework, or hang out with friends.

Clock Tower Courtyard
Covered Bridge
Training Grounds

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Quidditch Pitch
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Hogwarts has its own Quidditch pitch where Quidditch teams can practice, hold tryouts, and play matches against each other. Each year will see a total of six inter-house matches (each house competing for the Quidditch Cup), along with numerous training sessions by each house team.

The Stands

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The Hogwarts greenhouses are where Herbology classes are taught. The greenhouses were also used by the potions club. The greenhouses have statues of long, serpentine dragons running along the peaked roofs. They are home to many exotic and magical plants including some that are extremely rare, difficult to cultivate and maintain, or even dangerous, such as the venomous tentacula.

Herbology Class

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Groundkeeper's Hut
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There is only one room inside, with hams and pheasants hanging from the ceiling. There is also a fireplace where, most of the time, a copper kettle is used to boil water. In the corner stands a massive bed with a patchwork quilt over it.
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Forbidden Forest
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The Forbidden Forest, also known as Dark Forest or Black Forest, boreders the edges of the grounds. As its name suggests, it is strictly off limits to students - except in the case of detention, or Care of Magical Creatures lessons that occasionally take place here. Of course, with the various dangerous creatures living in the forest, few students would probably even want to venture into it.
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Whomping Willow
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The Whomping Willow attacks anyone and anything that comes with range of its branches. A deciduous plant, its limbs function as arms and any damage to them must be treated in much the same way.
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The Black Lake
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The Hogwarts Lake is a large body of water located to the south of the castle. It is about half a mile in diameter and the Hogwarts plumbing network drains into it. It is home to a Giant Squid, grindylows, and a colony of Merpeople.

The Boathouse

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Shrieking Shack - 1 Viewing
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This building is considered the most haunted building in Britain, however the shrieks were from a werewolf. It has now been occupied by students that are werewolves, so it is quite dangerous to enter this building.
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King's Cross Station
Last post by EDEN EMILIYA KARKAROFF in won't go home without you, ``noah
Apr 28, 2014 20:20:18 GMT -5
King's Cross Station is the first stop for the Hogwarts Express where it picks up students on September 1st. Many students and parents are spotted here on the first day of September as the new school year begins.
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Hogsmeade - 1 Viewing
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Students may begin visiting here when their third year starts. This village is just outside Hogwarts, meaning it is in walking distance from the castle. Many well known shops can be found here. These shops are often occupied by students who spend gold on candy, butterbeer, and many other things.

Dervish and Banges
Gladrags Wizard Wear
Madame Puddifoot's Tea Shop
Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop
The Hog's Head
Three Broomsticks
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

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Diagon Alley - 2 Viewing
Last post by NOAH ROBERT MCGONAGALL in wake up call ` EDEN
May 14, 2013 20:28:56 GMT -5
Before the new school year begins at Hogwarts, many students can be found here alongside their parents. Having received their letters from Hogwarts, they scatter amongst each other trying to retrieve each item that they need on their list of supplies.

Daily Prophet
Eeylops Owl Emporium
Flourish and Blotts
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
Leaky Cauldron
Madam Malkin's Robes
Obscurus Books
Ollivander's Wand Shop
Twilfitt and Tatting's
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

9 posts 1 thread
Knockturn Alley
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If you take a wrong turn in Diagon Alley, you may end up here. This alley is eerie quiet even during the middle of the day. A lone student may run into trouble when they are in this alley. Some stores that sell dark magic items are here though it is unlikely that any Hogwarts students would want to explore here. Correct?

Borgin and Burkes

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Ministry of Magic - 1 Viewing
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Here are where a majority of the wizarding world will end up working. There are many levels in this building where different subjects are studied. Such subjects would include love. Things are also hidden in this building such as prophecies that predict the future. It is essentially the headquarters of the wizarding world.

Level One
Level Two
Level Three
Level Four
Level Five
Level Six
Level Seven
Level Nine
Level Ten
The Atrium
Visitors' Entrance

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St. Mungo's Hospital
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Here you may be treated for any curse, injury, or jinx that you may suffer throughout the course of the day. This hsopital also houses patients that are incapable of taking care of themselves. Such patients would include men or women that have had memory charms backfire on them.
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St.Thomas Graveyard
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This graveyard is home to many wizards, wtiches, and muggles that have passed away. It is advised to not go here during the middle of the night alone. After all, this was where Harry Potter was attacked by a werewolf.
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Last post by NIKOLAUS IGOR KARKAROFF in back at your door, |NOAH/NICK|
May 20, 2013 18:08:19 GMT -5
The glorious city of London is the location where many of Hogwarts' students live during the summers. It is a notable city for most wizards and witches where they can find the Leaky Cauldron among other places.

Quidditch Stadium

58 posts 3 threads
Last post by ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER in Mad World |ALBUS|
Apr 30, 2013 1:20:40 GMT -5
Here are where students can go during the summer or christmas break. They spend the holidays with their families here.

Godric's Hollow
Grimmauld Place
Spinner's End

2 posts 1 thread
Outside of London
Last post by NOAH ROBERT MCGONAGALL in nothing lasts forever ` EDEN
Jun 4, 2013 1:29:43 GMT -5
Have a thread that doesn't fit any of the boards that we have? Post them here! These threads can range from being in a different country to visiting another magical school!
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All the events that took place back in the past of your character can be roleplayed out here.
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Last post by EDEN EMILIYA KARKAROFF in The Story, |NOAH|
Jun 4, 2013 0:45:46 GMT -5
Any events that take place in the future can be played out here accordingly.
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General Board
Last post by - SANGUINIS - in music!
May 4, 2013 1:16:20 GMT -5
You can talk about anything here.
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Here you can play occ or ic games among other members. This is an area to pass time until you need to post a reply or are significantly bored with real life.
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Graphics - 1 Viewing
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Here you may post graphic requests, show off graphics, or open graphic request threads!
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Last post by TNE Admin in (the)NEXT.ENCHANTMENT ( post-potter ; 2001 )
Feb 7, 2014 15:05:21 GMT -5
Here you may post advertisements as a guest or as a member. Also, remember to affiliate with us!

First Time
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The Graveyard - 2 Viewing
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Last post by EDEN EMILIYA KARKAROFF in won't go home without you, ``noah
Apr 28, 2014 20:20:18 GMT -5
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